Friday, 9 March 2018

Saturday Sauntering into the old city

Saturday Sauntering in the old city
It’s taken a week for me to get round to writing this …. Let’s just say I have been indisposed!  I am calling it the Udaipur Urge … the local variant of Delhi Belly… I’ll leave you to work out where the urge has to take you!!
Anyway no such urges for a couple of days so I am feeling its now all clear… hopefully!
Last weekend I walked into the old city again – it has been several months since I took that route and I was delighted to find that I still knew the way!  Passing familiar landmarks that now feel like friends, including one of my favourite views of the city.  

I first stopped off at a coffee house I never got round to trying last time – a bit too touristy in many ways but the frappe was excellent.  I enjoyed savouring it and the lake view as I read.  Simple pleasures!

I had a job to do though – collect my new clothes from the tailor – so the next challenge was to find it!  I still feel the old city is a bit like a labyrinth especially as my sense of direction is poor (OK non-existent!).  Hurrah!  I found it ok and collected my new outfits.

The other challenge I had set myself was to find The Courtyard – a restaurant we visited a couple of times when I was here before …. But I had never approached it from this direction… too difficult?? More by luck than judgement I found it first time!  And it seems that the restaurant part is now named “The whistling Teal”. Highly appropriate for a former employee of RSPB!

Although I don’t think the illustrations are teal at all … but never mind!  The town was extremely chaotic today (even more than usual) – apparently on the day after Holi, the police have the day off (as they have worked over the Holi holiday) … the roads were completely rammed with vehicles going wherever and in every direction… without the usual restrictions and barriers!   

 I headed home  with a sense of achievement.

Friday, 2 March 2018

Just Chillin...

Just chillin’
After a busy morning I am just chillin – although perhaps “chilling” is not the most apt word as I see the weather app on my phone says its 33° at the moment!  Looking at all the snowy pictures on facebook makes it seem even hotter!  Making a snow angel seems quite appealing just now!  There is more of a breeze today – definitely a good clothes drying day! 

To be fair though .... I can be pretty sure that every day will be a good drying day until June!

The pigeons continue to keep me company despite some determined efforts to block any space on top of the AC unit outside my room…..


I was helping honest! Needless to say it isn’t working very well …. 

Although how they find space beats me!  The debris on the ground tells me what they think of it…. gradually they are making the space!  

Reminds me of the gulls on my roof back in Seaton Carew! Maybe they are just helping me feel at home.....

The fans in my room have come into play at night …. But I have resisted the AC …. I know it’s time will come!

The views from around my room continue to delight – I don’t think I will ever tire of seeing the monsoon palace… even through insect mesh!

Heading into the Old city again I noticed some work going on as some of the old walls have been taken down  This has opened up some new views across Lake Pichola. 

  (I was glad to see that appropriate PPE was worn… ie working flip flops!). 

Looking forward to heading into town tomorrow.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Back again

So it is February - must be India!  Yes I am back in Udaipur, this time for a longer Indian adventure!

It is so lovely to be back - seeing many familiar faces and receiving a wonderfully warm welcome.  Warm is of course an understatement.... and quite a change from the -3 in Newcastle as I left UK last week!

As I write this in the cool evening it is a mere 25 degrees .... its been around 32 today and I have still to get used to the heat - I imagine that over the coming days I will.... it will only get hotter - Rajasthan is known as the desert state with good reason!

My view has changed from a wintery Seaton Carew to the Monson Palace - a view I don't think I will ever tire of ...

Thinking about coming back has been filled with a lot of anticipation - thinking of favourite views, walking beside the lake and watching the birds, and places in the town, not to mention the food and the atmosphere!  Now I am finally here it is also filled with anticipation as I start this new adventure!

The first few days have been surprisingly busy.  I will post more in the coming days.